Every company aims to be innovative, and its competitiveness in the market significantly impacts its financial health. While every company assumes it is customer-focused and prioritizes customer satisfaction, is this always the case?

The key to fostering true innovation is to create a creative and friendly environment for exploration and idea generation, while also providing wise support to employees by selecting optimal solutions for the company, both technological and procedural, as well as developmental and organizational.

Innovation management entails fostering an open atmosphere among employees, allowing space for taking risks and making mistakes to learn lessons and enhance ideas.

The following ebook offers 15 ideas to work creatively and spark an innovation within a team.
Table of contents:

W tym produkcie znajduje się:

  • Ebook: 15 tools for working creatively with your team

O autorze

Diana Najtkowska-Sapryk

Diana Najtkowska-Sapryk, a seasoned Procurement Trainer and Visionary, is a mentor, coach, and lecturer specializing in procurement training, with a focus on soft skills and purchasing competencies. As the owner of ProcureMe, she passionately advocates for the human dimension of business, emphasizing robust relationships with suppliers and redefining the role of buyers.

Key Characteristics:

  • Ethical Advocate: Diana serves as an ambassador for best practices and ethical conduct within the procurement field.
  • Holistic Approach: She approaches procurement holistically, recognizing its impact beyond transactions.
  • Professional Background: With over 13 years of experience, Diana has worked in international corporations such as Samsung Electronics, Mars, and Arjohuntleigh, primarily in purchasing departments.
  • Operational and Strategic Expertise: She has managed both operational purchasing teams in Shared Service Centers (SSC) and project teams in strategic purchasing departments within manufacturing companies.
  • Continuous Learning: Diana’s commitment to growth is evident through her completion of various postgraduate studies, including “Purchasing in Business” at WSB in Wroclaw, the Design, Critical Thinking course, and the NOVO Business Coach Study.
  • Certification: She holds a Driving Strategic Procurement Initiatives ISM India and Prince2Foundation certifications.

Diana Najtkowska-Sapryk’s multifaceted expertise makes her an invaluable asset in the world of procurement, where she combines practical experience with a forward-thinking approach.

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